Keto-licious Cereals & Breakfasts: A Recipe Book to Support a Ketogenic Lifestyle and Healthier You
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What’s for Breakfast (on Keto)?
Non-Keto breakfasts are laden with carbohydrates. And bacon and eggs everyday on a Keto diet gets boring and with fats that aren’t as healthy as alternatives can be. Thus, the foundation for “Keto-licious Cereals and Breaksfasts”.
What is a Keto? The ketogenic diet is a low carb, moderate protein, and high-fat diet. The goal of the diet is to get your body into a metabolic state known as ketosis – a state where burns your internal fat for its main fuel & energy source. When you are eating too many carbohydrates, these carbs turn more quickly and more likely stored as fat in your body.
What is the benefit of a Keto Diet? (1) Weight loss. Weight loss is much faster when in a state of ketosis. (2) Appetite control. When your diets is less carb and sugar laden, your appetite is easier to control and maintain throughout the day. (3) Mental State. Carbs and sugar are addictive and have an inflammatory impact on your body, which impacts how you feel. (4) More energy. With carb and sugar laden diets, your metabolism spikes up and down each day, with lots of highs and many lows – sapping your energy. (5) Be healthier. Reduce your blood sugar, fighting diabetes. Increase levels of good cholesterol reducing heart disease. And, reduce your blood pressure, also reducing heart problems.
So start your Keto day with an easy to create breakfasts or cereal in “Keto-licious Cereals and Breakfasts”.