Take Two: A Movie and a Meal Cookbook: Dinner and Drink Recipes Inspired by Famous Films

April 23, 2022

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Cue up one of your favorite movies and entertain guests with iconic foods from that movie. Food and drinks are often used like a supporting actor. There are moments in movies that are iconic due to those the foodie moments. Who can forget the iconic pastrami sandwich o-moment from “When Harry Met Sally” and the line “I’ll have what she’s having.” Look at movies from another angle that you hadn’t previously considered, through food. You’ll find more than 50 recipes from movies like Casablanca, Anne Hall, Bridgette Jones Diary, Chocolat, Citizen Kane, Downton Abby, Eat Pray Love, Kramer vs. Kramer, Life of Pi, Mystic Pizza, Joy Luck Club and many, many others.



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